
Minggu, 20 Oktober 2013

Pan Fried Fish Tofu 香煎鱼肉豆腐

I have been making this Fish Tofu for a few years. In the beginning, it was to incorporate vegetables to food that my veggie hater son likes to eat.

4 years passed and Im still making this but it never fail to make my son to eat more even its stuffed with chopped veggies. Yes, he still hates veggies. :/


  • 150g Fish Paste

  • 1 tube Egg Tofu

  • 2 stalk Baby Bok Choy, chopped

  • 2 Crabstick, chopped

  • a dash of Pepper (optional)

How to do it:

  1. Cut the tip of egg tofu and squeeze tofu out to a bowl.

  2. Add in fish paste, chopped baby bok choy and crabstick.

  3. Add pepper and mix well.

  4. Take a deep dish, oil all sides well for easy removable.

  5. Spread fish tofu paste.

  6. Cover with foil.

  7. Steam for 15 minutes or till cooked.

  8. Removed and cut into pieces.

  9. Pan fried the steamed fish tofu with a little till slightly brown on all sides.

  10. Serve.


  • You can use other type of vegetables if you like.

  • If you want it with a crispy outer skin, dust it with corn flour before pan frying the fish tofu.

  • I used the Happy Call Pan to pan fry the fish tofu.

  • I placed the tofu cubes on the sides of the pan so I can pan fry 2 -3 sides at the same time.

  • Cover the pan and pan fry for a minute each time over medium low heat.

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